كورس لغة إنجليزية مكثف

Awesome English Language Center · كوالالمبور · Malaysia
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كورس لغة إنجليزية مكثف
في هذه الدورة ستتمكن من تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية بطريقة مكثفة في مختلف المجالات، لتحسين قدراتك اللغوية إذا كنت طالب أو متخصص في مجال ما؛ ستتمكن من تعلم الكثير من المفردات والتعبيرات والمهارات اللغوية، سواء من أجل الدراسة أو العمل أو أي غرض حياتي آخر، وفق منهج دراسي مكثف وشامل.

About Awesome English Language Center

Awesome English Language Center was opened back in 2012. Since then Awesome has been known for its wide and divers environment filled with students from more than 20 countries. Awesome is a unique English institution in Malaysia that provides not only English programs but also provides nearby students accommodation and educational consultancy for students aiming to pursue their studies in Malaysia with the top public ranked universities. Students and applicants at Awesome are from different age groups and backgrounds, ranging from PHD applicants to 7 year olds. Awesome has distinguished itself with the most unique team of academics who aim to provide and equip students with the latest educational methods used in the best manners possible. Awesome English Center offers programs in Tourism, Accounting and Business Administration awarded at the end of each term. Our programs will be student centered and focused on guiding you by making use of our experienced staff and expertise. Your success is our priority.

About كوالالمبور

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· Awesome English Language Center

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